Rhymefest Explains Rant Against Chief Keef & Interscope Records
Rhymefest says that you "can't blame the bomb" but sees Chief Keef as an example of what's wrong with Chicago.Rhymefest put Chief Keef and Interscope on blast in a blog post last week, writing that the Chicago, Illinois rapper’s lyrics are glorifying violence. During an interview with WGCI’s The Morning Riot (via FSD), ‘Fest clarified his statements, explaining that Keef’s music is a negative reflection of Chicago at the moment and that you “can’t blame the bomb” for what the city is producing.

“I meant to say what I said. It’s really not about Chief Keef as much as it is about exploitation,” he said. “It’s no coincidence that one of the most violent periods that Chicago has ever seen, that this is what represents us musically. This is what represents us as a people. We have a history here and then when we get to senseless violence, the prison industrial complex is real.”
He said that he doesn’t have anything against a particular kind of music, but that his problem is rooted in the amount of violent songs that are getting released.
“I don’t have anything against any particular kind of music. My problem is the imbalance of the music that we get. So if all of the diet of the music that you get is kill kill kill and we’re going to glorify that, then that’s what we are conditioning our shorties and they’ll never end. They’ll do it, they’ll sing about it, they’ll rap about it and that’ll be it.”
Charlamagne Tha God & Busta Rhymes Speak On Altercation
Charlamagne Tha God and Busta Rhymes separately give their take on an altercation that took place at the BET Awards 2012.
At the BET Awards 2012 this past weekend, Power 105’s Charlamagne Tha God and Busta Rhymes engaged in an altercation. Earlier this morning on The Breakfast Club, the radio personality explained what went down, stating that their problems have allegedly deep roots.

Charlamagne said that Bus-A-Buss stepped to him over comments that were made about his music on The Wendy Williams show several years ago. But Charlamagne explained that he wasn’t even on the show then, and that he’d be glad to talk about the quality of his music now.
“If you want me to talk about your music being wack in 2012, let’s talk about that,” he said. “He goes, ‘You need to stop acting like a tough guy.’ I said, ‘Busta, you need to stop acting like a tough guy before it gets crazy in here.’ So he told me to put my drink down.”
The two came face-to-face, but tensions simmered and Charlamange left with Angela Yee. Busta gave an interview about the altercation, stating that there was a confrontation but that he felt he had to protect his honor.
“As a man, if there’s an issue, I’ll discuss it. And that’s it,” said Busta. “I’m not out here trying to hype things on these platforms and social networks and act like something that I’m not. I’m not no gangsta, I’m not no tough guy, I’m just a man, and I live by certain morals and I live by certain principals and if they get compromised, we’re going to have to have a discussion. It’s as simple as that.”
Mansoor Ally Mohamed a.k.a MANSU-LI alizaliwa tarehe 07/ 07 / 1980 katika familia ya watoto 7 kwa baba na yeye akiwa ni mtoto wa4, na kwa mama akiwa ni mtoto wa kwanza akifuatiwa na wadogo zake wawili na kufanya jumla ya watoto watatu kwa mama.
Alipata elimu ya msingi mwaka katika shule ya Mlimani iliyopo Chuo kikuu kuanzia 1988 mpaka 1994, na kisha alipata elimu ya sekondari mnamo mwaka 1998 mpaka 2001 katika shule ya Masjid Qubah Islamic Seminary iliyopo Kijitonyama kabla ya kwenda shule ya Azania kwa masomo ya A-level mwaka 2002 mpaka 2004.

Alianza kujihusisha rasmi na sanaa ya muziki mnamo mwaka 2003 mwezi june kwa kushiriki katika mashindano ya kutafuta vipaji na kufanikiwa kufika hatua ya fainali na kushika nafasi ya 4 na kupata nafasi ya kurekodi wimbo wake wa kwanza kabisa uliotambulika kwa jina la POA TU chini ya Hermy B na Sos B, ambapo mwenyewe anakili kua wimbo huo hauku na kiwango kizuri hivyo kushindwa kumtambulisha katika Sanaa ya Muziki.
Mnamo mwaka 2006 mwezi June baada ya ukimya wa miaka mitatu Mansu-li alikutana tena na mtayarishaji wake wa midundo Hermy B na kufanya ngoma ya KINA KIREFU ambayo ilifanya vizuri sana kiasi cha kumtambulisha katika Sanaa ya muziki na baadaye mwezi Novemba ilifuatia video ya wimbo huo toka kampuni ya CHAPAKAZI FILMZ, na mwaka uliofata wa 2007 aliingia katika tuzo ta KILIMANJARO MUSIC AWARDS katika kategori ya Msanii bora wa Hip Hop lakini hakufanikiwa kuchukua tuzo hiyo. Baadaye mwezi March 2007 alitoa wimbo wa SINABUDI toka studio za DOWN TOWN Rec. chini ya mtayarishaji D Money huku kiitikio kikiwa kimefanywa na muimbaji Joselin toka kundi la WAKALI KWANZA, na kisha mwaka huohuo mwezi june aliachia wimbo wa SURA YA MCHEZO chini ya mtayarishaji Hermy B.

Mansu-li aliendelea kujiimarisha katika sanaa ya muziki kwa kuendelea kutoa nyimbo kadhaa kila mwaka na mwaka 2008 alitoa mwezi April aliachia wimbo wake wa kwanza wenye tenzi za mapenzi unaitwa NAAMINI chini ya mtayarishaji L SINGLE huku kiitikio kikiwa kimefanywa na mwana dada Esther Wasira, na baadaye kushiriki kwenye wimbo wa HIP HOP BILA MADAWA wa KIKOSI cha MIZINGA.
Baadaye zilifata nyimbo tofauti tofauti toka kwa watayarishaji tofauti kama TUKO PAMOJA chini ya mtayarishaji Lucci mwaka 2009. MENGI YANATOKEA chini ya mtayarishaji LAMAR, HIVI NDIVYO aliowashirikisha Ibra DaHUSLA na Jay Moe na MREMBO akimshirikisha Makamua zote zikiwa zimefanyika chini ya mtayarishaji Q THE DON. UNANIKUBALI akishirikiana na Langa chini ya mtayarishaji J Ryder. NDANI YA NYUMBA akiwashirikisha CHEGE na CHIBWA chini ya mtayarishaji MESEN SELEKTA. MICHANO akiwa na P THE MC chini ya mtayarishaji PALLAH.
Na akiwa na kundi lake la KAPITO LETAZ ambalo alijiunga nalo rasmi mwanzoni mwa 2007 lenye memba watatu ambao ni yeye mwenyewe, AVELI GHETTO MASSAYA na LATINGA; walitoa nyimbo kama TUPO HIGH chini ya LUCCI na NICE P, NI SOO chini ya D Money na NICE P, BADO TUPO chini ya MESEN SELEKTA wakishimshirikisha GODZILLA.
Hii ndio historia fupi ya msanii wa Hip Hop Tanzania anaetambulika kwa jina la MANSU-LI, kuanzia mwaka 2003 ambapo alianza rasmi kama Recording Artist mpaka mwaka huu wa 2012 akiwa na nyimbo takribani 12 zilizoachiwa katika vituo vya redio kama msanii wa kujitegemea na zile ambazo akiwa ndani ya kundi lake la Kapito Letaz zisizopungua tatu ambazo ziliachiwa katika vituo vya redio.Pia ana video za nyimbo kama TUKO PAMOJA na MREMBO zilizofanywa na kampuni ya VISUAL LAB chini ya ADAM JUMA, na SURA YA MCHEZO chini ya kampuni ya BLACK DIAMOND na KINA KIREFU ambayo ilifanywa na CHAPAKAZI FILM.
Dr. Dre's Beats Electronics Acquires MOG Music Service
Dr. Dre's headphone company expands its business with its recent acquisition MOG digital music provider.After a recent split from Monster Cable Products, it looks like Dr. Dre's Beats Electronics is looking to expand its empire. Now, the super producer's audio products company has purchased popular digital music provider MOG.

According to a recent press release, Beats Electronics LLC, the company co-founded by Dre and Jimmy Iovine, recently purchased the digital music service, which provides listeners on-demand access to the latest releases for a fee. Despite the acquisition, MOG will still act as an independent company, and its advertising affiliate MOG Music Network will remain ancillary to the stipuations of the merger.
“Beats By Dre was born out of a need to restore the emotional connection with music that was lost by the degradation of sound from the digital music revolution, starting with the weakest link in the experience at the time—headphones,” said Luke Wood, president and COO of Beats Electronics. “It was never about just headphones. We’ve since expanded the Beats mission to every other link in the music experience chain – speakers, mobile phones, personal computers and automobile sound systems. With MOG, we are adding the best

MOG's CEO David Hyman echoed Wood's sentiments, saying, “We're thrilled to be joining forces with Beats, a company that’s committed at the highest level to the experience surrounding music delivery; the fit feels perfectly natural. MOG subscribers can expect continued excellence from the best music service in the market, and we look forward to putting premium music experiences in the hands of millions of music lovers everywhere.”
DX will keep you updated as more information about the merger comes to light.
Eve Finishes "Lip Lock" & Aims For Fall Release, Praises Azealia Banks & Diamond(EVE AWAPONGEZA AZEALIA BANKS NA DIAMOND)
Eve confirms the completion of her oft-delayed LP.Eve is currently gearing up for her first-ever performance at the Essence Music Festival, taking place this weekend in New Orleans, Louisiana. During an interview with Time.com, she turned her attention to her oft-delayed album Lip Lock, stating that she hopes to release it in the fall and that the sound harkens back to the early Ruff Ryders days.
“Not an exact date, but we’re wanting it to come out in the fall,” she said. “I wanted to

The self-proclaimed “Pit Bull in a Skirt” expressed her frustration with being unable to release the album due to management, label and lawyer complications. While she was frustrated, she said that she’s been working on it for “a year and a half” and that the album is completed. She will also perform two or three songs at the Essence Festival.
Eve also turned her attention to up-and-coming female emcees, praising Azealia Banks and Diamond for their looks and abilities.
“I actually really like Azealia Banks. I like her style, I think she’s really cute, I think lyrically she’s really good and she’s really different. She’s probably at the top of my list. But then there’s a girl named Diamond who is from Atlanta who I really like, just as a person and an artist, I think she’s really cool.”
The Roots' ?uestlove Announces Fourteenth Album Title
The Roots' ?uestlove takes to Twitter to announce the title of the crew's upcoming LP.?uestlove has revealed the title for The Roots' upcoming fourteenth album.
Announcing the name on Twitter, the group's drummer stated that the LP will be called &TYSYC, but did not explain what it stands for. "Undun is like a xmas lp. specific setting. Our next lp '&TYSYC' (guess) will be regular. @teramartin @BlackiusMaximus @reverofnolef100," he wrote.

?uesto previously spoke on the follow up to undun, stating that it would have much more energy than its predecessor. “I’ll say that at least four of the submissions [for the new album], they’re above 115 beats per minute. It’s very high energy. Not fist-pumping, but fast. This is just the music stage, not even the lyrical stage. We thought of a title two weeks ago but I am not allowed to say what it is just yet—but you’ll know soon.”
Swahili hiphop inapiga hatua nyingine katika medani hii sasa mtafiti wetu amefanikiwa

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